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We recently shared on Facebook a great article by Joe Satran via Huffington Post about the origin of the great American Burger Bun and how they ended up sprinkled with sesame seeds.

We were all really fascinated by the history of the Burger Bun – which started in the States – and the upshot of it is… no one knows where it came from and no one knows why there are sesame seeds on top! There are a couple of historical references from 1936 and 1955 but neither one can be definitively pinpointed as the originators of the buns we use today.

There is even a debate as to why they are there – is it for flavour? For visual appeal or for texture? No one knows but what we do know is that it wouldn’t be a traditional American Burger without the sesame seed bun! One thing there does seem to be a general consensus that the seeded top implies a higher quality and luxurious bun.

Here’s at Annie’s Burger Shack we are often asked why we use this style of burger bun and not more fashionable alternatives such as brioche buns… and the simple answer is that our entire ethos is to create a traditional American dining experience here in the East Midlands.  Our burgers reflect the traditional way they were made twenty years ago (and even further back!). We make them in the authentic American way; fresh and seasoned to the grill, combined with a modern and ethically inclusive twist so why mess with this traditional approach and use anything other than the classic Burger Bun?

This who subject also got us thinking about the names we all use for bread rolls. Here is the Shack we have staff from all over the country and indeed the world and to us this innocent item can be a roll, a cob, a bap or a bun… so what do you call yours?

If you want to read Joe’s full article about the origins of the humble burger bun can be found here.

And if you want to pop in to enjoy a burger bun with us, you’re welcome any time!